DO NOT USE THIS VERSION Get the latest here: #!/bin/bash # ************************************************************************* # UpdateWP ver 2.0 alpha 3 01/Aug/2006 # Written by Brian Layman # # A unix shell script to update multiple WordPress blogs to the current # stable release. # # Usage: (A full instruction set is at # Browse out to and get the latest # Customize the "Configuration variables" found below # Use chmod to grant yourself execute status on the script # Run the program # # You can use this program in several ways. # First, you can use it in the default mode to download the latest # update and then install it to several directories. # Second, you can use it to automate backing up files and tables when # updating. # Third, you can cron it and change the source of the update and use # it to force the start of a known clean system every morning. # # Original Author - Brian Layman # # Created - 01/AUG/2006 # Last Modified - 04/JAN/2007 # Contributors: (Put your name & Initials at the top) # Brian Layman - BL - # # # History: # 01/AUG/2006 - BL - Created # 21/DEC/2006 - BL - Added multiple blog arrays # 04/JAN/2007 - BL - Added File Backup routines # # License - If this helps you - Great! Use it, modify it share it. # # Indemnity - # Use this file at your own risk. I'm not going to deliberately hack # your server, but others might. This is a shell script. Very bad # things can happen. I am relatively new to *nix scripts. So # I've had others review this script. But NONE of this guarantees # things won't go wrong or that this script is unchanged. Only # use this script IF you've gotten it from or another # site you trust. # # THIS SCRIPT SHOULD BE USED AT YOUR OWN RISK. It can erase hours of # hard work put into your site. Before using this script it is # required that you review and understand every line and vouch for # its safety. If you are not comfortable with this, don't run this # script. I have one host that I can test this on. Only you can say # that this script will not do irreparable harm to your host if you # use it. # # YOU are responsible for YOUR site. Learn how to protected it and # understand what every line of code does before you call it. # # Donations - If this batch file really helps you out, feel free to # make a donation of the cost of a cup of expresso via Paypal to # A morning coffee or cheesy nachos and I # your friend for life. And/or leave a comment on my site: # # # ************************************************************************* # ################################################################## # Configuration variables # ################################################################## # Common root is the part of your path that is shared by all of your # WP blogs. It is probably your htdocs directory. Blank is fine if # you want to specify the full path in the BlogDirs variable. # Using ~ will not work. CommonRootPrefix="/This/is/the/path/to/your/htdocs/" CommonBackupPrefix="/This/is/the/path/to/your/htdocs/WPBackUps" # CommonSQLBackupPrefix="/This/is/the/path/to/your/htdocs/WPSQLBackUps" # Disabled in this version # List all of your WordPress directories here # Just number them 1-whatever BlogDirs[1]='site1dir' BlogURL[1]='' BlogDirs[2]='site2/news' BlogURL[2]='' BlogDirs[3]='wordpress' BlogURL[3]='' # PERFORMWEBSTEPS will us the wget function to perform the online upgrades. # You might want to perform this manually. Comment out this next line if # you want to do this step yourself PERFORMWEBSTEPS=1 # Uncomment if you want to backup the files first UpgradeURL[1]='upgrade.php?step=1' # These variable can be used to change where you get the clean copy of WordPress # Override this variable if you wish to use this script to restore your files to # a known version of WordPress. As part of a nightly routine, this can keep all # of your sites running un-hacked codes. TarBallName='latest.tar.gz' SourceURL='' #SourcePATH='/a/full/directory/path/' # Uncomment if copying from a local file. # MAKEFILEBACKUPS will back up the FILES from the folders above if it is set to 1. # This will take time and space. If you have, for example, an uploads folder under # one of the WP- folders above, you will make a copy of it. You may run out of # space and that can crash your site. That's why this step is off by default. #MAKEFILEBACKUPS=1 # Uncomment if you want to backup the files first # MAKESQLBACKUPS IS NOT YET RELEASED. # MAKESQLBACKUPS enables Database backups to be made of the WP specific tables # for each blog. It reads the database username, password and table prefix # It is disabled by default for several reasons # 1. Copies of a DB on a webserver is a security risk # 2. I suspect it will not work on all systems mysqldump must be present # 3. Your wp-config file might not allow me to read it # 4. Your wp-config file might customized in a way I cannot predict # 5. I'm not done testing it #MAKESQLBACKUPS=1 # CURRENTLY THE SCRIPT WILL NOT BACKUP YOUR SQL # ################################################################## # Constants - Do not change these # ################################################################## #Error Codes E_SUCCESS=0 # No Error Code. It worked. E_XCD=66 # Can't change directory? E_XMD=67 # Can't make directory? E_XNOFILE=68 # No tarball file was found. TMPPREFIX='TCCWPUPDATE-' # ################################################################## # Prepare the stage by getting the files in order. # ################################################################## # Seed the random number generator on bash or assign the variable on other systems RANDOM=$$$(date +%s) # Make Temporary directory for downloading the WordPress file tmp=${TMPDIR-/tmp} tmp=$tmp/$TMPPREFIX$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM.$$ (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) || { echo "Could not create temporary directory! Exiting." 1>&2 exit $E_XMD } # Show this to allow potential manual cleanup... echo "A temp dir was created at: $tmp" #Change to the temporary directory cd $tmp # Doublecheck if in right directory, before messing with downloading files. if [ `pwd` != "$tmp" ] then echo "Can't change to new temp dir. Aborting." exit $E_XCD fi # Download/Copy the tarball into the temp directory, extract it and deleted it. if [ ! -z "$SourcePATH" ] then echo "Copying File: $SourcePATH$TarBallName" cp $SourcePATH$TarBallName $tmp if [ ! -e "$TarBallName" ] then rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to echo "TarBall file ($SourcePATH$TarBallName) could not be copied. Aborting." exit $E_XNOFILE else echo "TarBall file ($SourceURL$TarBallName) copied." fi else echo "GETTING URL: $SourceURL$TarBallName" wget $SourceURL$TarBallName if [ ! -e "$TarBallName" ] then rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to echo "TarBall file ($SourceURL$TarBallName) could not be retrieved. Aborting." exit $E_XNOFILE else echo "TarBall file ($SourceURL$TarBallName) retrieved." tar -zxf latest.tar.gz rm $TarBallName fi fi if [ $MAKEFILEBACKUPS ] then echo "Making Backups..." BackupSuffix=-$(date +%F) # The "+%s" option to 'date' is GNU-specific. if [ ! -d $CommonBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix ]; then (umask 077 && mkdir -p $CommonBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix) || { echo "Could not create common backup directory ($CommonBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix). Exiting." 1>&2 rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to exit $E_XMD } fi BlogCount=${#BlogDirs[@]} echo "Blog count $BlogCount" index=1 for CurDir in "${BlogDirs[@]}" do echo "Processing Backups of: $CurDir" BackupDir=$CommonBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix"/"$CurDir echo "Making Backup to $BackupDir" if [ ! -d $BackupDir ]; then (umask 077 && mkdir -p $BackupDir) || { echo "Could not create common backup directory ($BackupDir). Exiting." 1>&2 rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to exit $E_XMD } fi cp -v --remove-destination $CommonRootPrefix$CurDir $BackupDir echo "Making /wp-admin backup to $BackupDir/wp-admin" if [ ! -d $BackupDir/wp-admin ]; then (umask 077 && mkdir -p $BackupDir/wp-admin) || { echo "Could not create common backup directory ($BackupDir/wp-admin). Exiting." 1>&2 rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to exit $E_XMD } fi cp -R -v --remove-destination $CommonRootPrefix$CurDir/wp-admin $BackupDir/wp-admin echo "Making /wp-content backup to $BackupDir/wp-content" if [ ! -d $BackupDir/wp-content ]; then (umask 077 && mkdir -p $BackupDir/wp-content) || { echo "Could not create common backup directory ($BackupDir/wp-content). Exiting." 1>&2 rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to exit $E_XMD } fi cp -R -v --remove-destination $CommonRootPrefix$CurDir/wp-content $BackupDir/wp-content echo "Making /wp-includes Backup to $BackupDir/wp-admin" if [ ! -d $BackupDir/wp-includes ]; then (umask 077 && mkdir -p $BackupDir/wp-includes) || { echo "Could not create common backup directory ($BackupDir/wp-includes). Exiting." 1>&2 rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to exit $E_XMD } fi cp -R -v --remove-destination $CommonRootPrefix$CurDir/wp-includes $BackupDir/wp-includes let "index = $index + 1" done fi # ################################################################## # Perform the full table backups before touching any files. # ################################################################## if [ $MAKESQLBACKUPS ] then echo "Making Backups..." BackupSuffix=-$(date +%F) # The "+%s" option to 'date' is GNU-specific. if [ ! -d $CommonSQLBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix ]; then (umask 077 && mkdir -p $CommonSQLBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix) || { echo "Could not create common SQL backup directory ($CommonBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix). Exiting." 1>&2 rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to exit $E_XMD } fi BlogCount=${#BlogDirs[@]} index=1 for CurDir in "${BlogDirs[@]}" do echo "Processing Backups of: $CurDir" echo "HA! Fooled you... this is still a mockup..." done fi # ################################################################## # Iterate all of the directories and overwrite their contents. # ################################################################## # Loop through the BlogDirs array for CurDir in "${BlogDirs[@]}" do echo "Now Updating: $CurDir" # Go to each directory cd $CommonRootPrefix$CurDir # Doublecheck if in right place, before copying over hundress of files. if [ `pwd` != "$CommonRootPrefix$CurDir" ] then echo "Aborting. Can't reach one of the blog directories: $CommonRootPrefix$CurDir" rm $tmp -R # Don't leave the temp dir out there if we don't have to rm $CommonBackupPrefix$BackupSuffix -R # Don't leave the backup dirs out there if they are not complete exit $E_XCD fi # Copy all of of the files from the temp dir cd $CommonRootPrefix$CurDir cp -R -v --remove-destination $tmp/wordpress/* . echo "$CurDir Update complete" done if [ $PERFORMWEBSTEPS ] then # Loop through the BlogURLS and do the update for CurBlogURL in "${BlogURL[@]}" do echo "Now Updating: $CurBlogURL" for CurUpgradeURL in "${UgradeURL[@]}" do wget -q $CurBlogURL$CurUpgradeURL done echo "$CurBlogURL Update complete" done fi # ################################################################## # Cleanup # ################################################################## # Once everything is done, we can remove the temp directory rm $tmp -R # ################################################################## # Close # ################################################################## echo UPDATE COMPLETE exit $E_SUCCESS